

I'm not sure about you, but I'm the kind of person who needs breakfast. I love breakfast food and typically go with something egg-based, but in the summer, the last thing I want is a piping hot meal to start the day. I only recently discovered how great protein powder can be when combined with the right ingredients, and I have come up with the most perfect breakfast protein shake! There are a several reasons why I love this shake:

1. It is coffee based (and who doesn't need a caffeine boost in the morning?!)
2. It satisfies my craving for a flavored, "fluffy" Starbucks drink 
3. It has 2 servings of greens
4. It has 31 grams of protein
5. It only has 220 calories

Check it out!

Appliances needed:

-1 cup of iced coffee (price varies, but about $2.50 for qty needed for 5 days)
-1 scoop of Vega Plant-Based Protein + Greens Vanilla Flavor ($28.80 for tub, so $5.76 for qty needed for 5 days)
-1/2 cup of unsweetened Silk Almond Milk ($3.29 for half gallon, so about $1 for qty needed for 5 days)
-1/2 ripe banana ($.87 for 3 bananas, which is qty needed for 5 days)
-1 1/2 Tbs of integral collagen ($25 for bag, $3.28 for qty needed for 5 days)

1. Combine all ingredients in blender on medium until smooth
2. Pour over ice and enjoy!

This comes out to around $13.41 for the total week, so $2.68 per day. 

For me, the banana in this shake is essential. The first few times I made it without, and the texture seemed slightly gritty. With the banana added, the texture became much creamier and smoother! 



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