
Spinach, Feta, & Walnut Salmon + Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Hello from Texas! For my guest blog on Green Counter Kitchen, I wanted to share one of my favorite dinner recipes that is quick, delicious, and full of protein and veggies. I have a long commute from work, so by the time I get home on weeknights I am typically pretty hangry… meaning I can only bring myself to cook something if it takes less than 30 minutes. Salmon works really well for this because it doesn’t take long to bake in the oven, but having it regularly can sometimes get old. Because I look for any excuse to add feta (and all cheese) into my daily life, this recipe is perfect for changing up my salmon routine.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):
-2 6oz salmon filets: $6.99 each for Atlantic, ~$10.99 each for wild caught (Whole Foods)
-1/2 cup fresh spinach, chopped: $4.99/lb, $0.62 for ½ cup
-2 ½ Tbsp. olive oil
-1 clove garlic
-1/4 cup feta: $2.99 for small container, $0.60 for ¼ cup
-1 Tbsp. walnuts, chopped: $8.99/lb., $0.56 for 1 Tbsp.
-1 lb. brussels sprouts: $3.99/lb.
-1 tsp. balsamic vinegar
-Salt, ground pepper
-1 lemon wedge

-Preheat oven to 375 degrees. While oven is heating, chop brussels sprouts into halves, removing ends.
-Place chopped brussels sprouts into medium bowl and pour in 1 ½ Tbsp. olive oil (brussels sprouts should be coated but not soaked). Add in balsamic vinegar, salt to taste, and a generous amount of ground pepper.
-Place brussels sprouts on tin foil-lined baking sheet and put in oven. Set timer for 12 mins.
-While brussels sprouts cook, pour remaining 1 Tbsp. of olive oil and minced clove of garlic into a skillet and set on medium heat. Once the garlic starts cooking and smells fragrant, add in chopped spinach and cook until wilted (about 1 minute).
-Place cooked spinach into a small bowl and add in feta and walnuts. Stir to create the filling for the salmon.
-Cut a sliver down the middle of both salmon filets, leaving about 1 inch on either side of the filet. The sliver should be deep enough that you can fit in the filling but should not cut all the way through the fish.
-Divide the spinach, feta, and walnut filling and scoop into each fish. Place the two filets on a tin foil-lined baking sheet and cover with a few cranks of ground pepper.
-When the 12 minutes on the timer is up, take out the brussels sprouts and turn them over in the pan with a spatula. Place them back in the oven along with the salmon filets and set timer for another 10-12 minutes depending on thickness of the fish (to check for doneness, salmon should flake apart easily with a fork on the thickest part of the fish and be opaque).
-Serve with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice over both and a cold glass of chardonnay (it’s still 90 degrees in Dallas!)

The protein from the salmon, spinach, feta, and walnuts combined with the heartiness of the brussels sprouts always leaves me feeling full after this meal. I’m not a fan of reheated salmon so I typically don’t make this to eat leftover, but the brussels sprouts will still be delicious the next day if you want to add them to your lunch. 



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