
Homemade Vanilla Extract

Being home for the holidays really is the sweetest. I've been home in Texas since Saturday and have been savoring the time spent doing the little things-- running holiday errands with my mom, toasting to weddings, moves, +  exciting life events with the family, cuddling our sweet pup, grabbing a meal with friends, and dreaming about one day having a ginormous #granitecounterkitchen like my parents have here. The idea to make this homemade vanilla extract surfaced after my mom, who was organizing a cabinet, offered me her extra olive oil dispensers. I had heard that homemade vanilla extract is super easy to make and so much better than anything you can find at the store, so I decided to try it out with these dispensers. I'd also recently seen a video that showed how to make simple jar labels, so I decided to give that a shot too (which ended up being the perfect touch for this homemade vanilla extract). If you have 5 minutes to spare and are in need of a simple, thoughtful housewarming gift, give this a shot (and consider adding a red bow/ribbon)!

-1 cup of vodka (any kind, I used Titos since that's what I had on hand)
-3 vanilla beans
-1 dispenser of your choice (small mason jars are great or an empty spice container that has been washed)
*FOR THE LABEL: white paper, printer, clear packing tape, water

1. Slice the vanilla beans down the center, leaving them attached at the very top (wishbone shape)
2. Put the vanilla beans in the dispenser and pour in 1 cup of vodka.
3. Keep in an airtight container and shake for 30 seconds once a week for 6 weeks-- then enjoy!

For the label, check on this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1auqNJTUlsg

*ONE NOTE: I would strongly recommend using a laser printer rather than an ink printer if you have one available. This will make the label transfer onto the tape much bolder. I used an ink printer and had to do some touch ups with a black sharpee :)




Winter Medley Bowl

Happy Saturday, friends! Life has been the best kind of crazy-- working, wedding planning,  gift shopping + present wrapping, squeezing in workouts with the fiancé (if you haven't checked out Orange Theory Fitness, it's our new obsession), and of course fitting in some meal prep.. Luckily for me, myself + seven coworkers have decided to {try} to stay healthy and tackle this busy season together by joining forces for lunch prep. Each person brings a healthy lunch for the group of eight once every two weeks. That way, everyone has lunch each day Monday-Thursday, but each of us only has to food prep one time during the two week span. I know, it sounds weird and crazy and none of us thought it would work either, but we just finished week one and it was huge success! I absolutely loved expanding my pallet and trying veggies, spices, and marinades that I don't typically prepare, and it was so sweet to get to provide and share lunch with friends. I'm excited to share with you guys the Winter Medley Bowl I made during my prep day this week! This dish is full of in-season fruits, veggies, and seeds and kept me full all afternoon.

2 lbs of Trader Joe's all natural chicken breast
1 cup of Trader Joe's organic tri colored quinoa
1 large butternut squash
1 cup pumpkin seeds (or desired amount)
1 cup sliced almonds (or desired amount)
1 container of Trader Joe's fresh pomegranate seeds
1 cup cranberries (dried or fresh)
1 small package of feta
1 cup water
1 stalk of Trader Joe's trimmed leeks, sliced
Parsley (as desired)
Balsamic vinegar (as desired)
Salt and pepper (as desired)

1. Place chicken in crock pot and cook for 4 hours on high with a cup of water (or chicken broth if you have it on hand). Season with salt and pepper.
2. Dice up the butternut squash and cook on 400 degrees for about 40 minutes, or until browned.
3. Cook quinoa and set aside. For directions on how to cook quinoa, click here.
4. Once fully cooked, shred the chicken and set aside.
5. Chop the scallions and parsley.
6. Combine all ingredients and enjoy!

*Note: if you want all ingredients to be evenly distributed across all servings, I'd suggest getting eight containers and adding each ingredient to the container individually as nuts and seeds specifically tend to fall to the bottom.

Hope you all enjoy this holiday season!




It's that time of week, and I'm so excited to share with you this protein packed, delicious quinoa salad! And the best part? It only took me about 15 minutes to make. This is one of my go-to recipes when I'm short on time and want something that keeps me full but doesn't make me feel heavy or sluggish. This yummy salad has four protein sources (quinoa, chickpeas, edamame, and sliced almonds), two veggies (red and orange pepper), and one fruit (dried cranberries). Keep scrolling for all of the details!

-1 cup of Trader Joe's tri-colored, organic quinoa
-2 cups water
-1 red pepper
-1 orange pepper
-1 bag (12oz) of Trader Joe's frozen, shelled edamame
-1 can of chickpeas, drained and rinsed
-1/2 bag (or about 4oz) of Trader Joe's sliced almonds
-1/2 bag of Trader Joe's dried cranberries
-2 tbs of olive oil
-2 tbs of red wine vinegar

1. Cook quinoa (for directions on how to make quinoa, click here)
2. Dice the red and orange pepper
3. Combine the cooked quinoa, diced pepper, and all other ingredients in a large bowl and serve cold (keep it in the fridge for a few hours before eating so that the edamame is thawed).

Feel free to add or substitute your favorite veggies, fruits, or protein sources to this recipe. Sliced apples and pumpkin seeds would be a great option for fall!




Savory Chili

Happy Sunday! I'm excited to share with you guys an amazing, simple chili recipe that will keep your fridge (or freezer) stocked for the next few weeks. I'll be honest, I'm not much of a fall gal, but I do enjoy the shift to making warmer dishes, and chili is one of my favorites. My sweet fiancé came up with the recipe and I instantly fell in love with its full flavor, incorporation of multiple veggies and protein sources, and ability to be easily reheated from the fridge or freezer. We each enjoyed a large serving of this chili everyday for lunch for 5 days and froze another 7ish servings for a later date. Check out the recipe!

-2 lbs of lean ground beef (can substitute ground turkey if desired)
-4 cans of kidney beans
-2 cans of black beans
-2 cans of white beans
-1 sweet onion
-2 red peppers
-2 yellow peppers
-2 orange peppers
-4 jalapeños (2 with seeds, 2 without)--use less if you do not like spicy food or remove seeds from all
-2 cans of diced tomatoes
-1 carton of Trader Joe's organic chicken broth
-1 bag of cheddar cheese
-cumin (to taste)
-chili powder (to taste)-- most important spice! Will need at least 5 tbs
-1 tbs worcestershire sauce
-black pepper (to taste)
-1 tsp cinnamon
-garlic (to taste)
-red pepper flakes (to taste)
-3/4 of the darkest dark chocolate you can find

This seems like a lot of ingredients, but many of them are spices or other simple produce/cans you may keep on hand anyway. Also keep in mind this makes A LOT of chili, so many ingredients are needed to create this large quantity.

1. Chop onion and add to pot along with 2 lbs of ground beef, garlic, black pepper, and worcestershire sauce (may need to add 1 lb at a time depending on the size of the pot)
2. Once meat is fully cooked, add in chicken broth
3. Dice up peppers and jalapeños and add them in along with the beans and canned tomatoes
4. Add in seasonings to taste and dark chocolate bar. Don't be shy here--the seasonings are creating the majority of the flavor!
5. Turn down the heat and let simmer for about an hour
6. Serve in bowl topped with shredded cheese.

I would recommend freezing the remainder of the chili within 5 days of cooking to be sure it stays fresh. To reheat, simply add the frozen chili to a pan and heat on the stove.





Hi friends! Man has life been craaazy lately--in the best way! I won't lie, I love traveling to visit friends and family, but I could not be happier to be in my cozy apartment right now with my fiancé for the first Saturday since August. Westchester really is beautiful this time of year, and I'm so happy to be here to enjoy the weekend and give you guys a yummy alternative recipe to traditional pizza. I love that this recipe is low in carbs, incorporates a ton of veggies, and can be customized to your liking! Here it is:

Appliances needed:
-Food processor


-1 large head of cauliflower
-1 egg
-1/5 cup parmesan cheese
-1/4 cup mozzarella cheese
- rosemary, oregano, basil or any other flavorful spice of your choice for taste (do not leave this out--makes a huge difference!)

TOPPINGS: (completely up to you, but this is what I love)
-1/4 bag of Applegate's natural uncured mini turkey pepperoni (coupon here: http://www.applegate.com/coupons) 
-1 green pepper
-1 tomato 
-1 can of Trader Joe's pizza sauce
-1 cup of mozzarella cheese
- rosemary, oregano, and basil to taste

*money saving tip: check out the Ibotta app. It is free in the app store and allows you to unlock rebates within the app for items you typically buy and then scan your receipts to get cash back--super easy! Use this code to get an additional $10 cash back once you use the app for the first time: hdtxyjf

1. Preheat oven to 500 degrees (be sure to do this first--it can take a while for the oven to get to this high temp)
2. Cut the cauliflower into smaller pieces and place in food processor. Pulse until the cauliflower is a very fine texture
3. Place the processed cauliflower in a bowl in the microwave for 4 minutes. Once it is done let it cool for AT LEAST 4 minutes
4. Place the cooled cauliflower in a clean kitchen towel and squeeze out all of the water possible (I find it easier to do smaller portions at a time rather than all the cauliflower at once)
5. Combine the cauliflower with the egg, 1/5 cup of parmesan, 1/4 cup of mozzarella, and spices in a bowl to form a dough 
6. Spread the dough out on a piece of greased foil to form a very thin crust
7. Cook the crust for 15 minutes or until crispy (could be longer or shorter depending on your oven)
8. Remove from oven and add a thin layer of sauce, cheese, and toppings of your desire and broil for about 5 minutes
9. Cut and enjoy!


Spinach, Feta, & Walnut Salmon + Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Hello from Texas! For my guest blog on Green Counter Kitchen, I wanted to share one of my favorite dinner recipes that is quick, delicious, and full of protein and veggies. I have a long commute from work, so by the time I get home on weeknights I am typically pretty hangry… meaning I can only bring myself to cook something if it takes less than 30 minutes. Salmon works really well for this because it doesn’t take long to bake in the oven, but having it regularly can sometimes get old. Because I look for any excuse to add feta (and all cheese) into my daily life, this recipe is perfect for changing up my salmon routine.

Ingredients (for 2 servings):
-2 6oz salmon filets: $6.99 each for Atlantic, ~$10.99 each for wild caught (Whole Foods)
-1/2 cup fresh spinach, chopped: $4.99/lb, $0.62 for ½ cup
-2 ½ Tbsp. olive oil
-1 clove garlic
-1/4 cup feta: $2.99 for small container, $0.60 for ¼ cup
-1 Tbsp. walnuts, chopped: $8.99/lb., $0.56 for 1 Tbsp.
-1 lb. brussels sprouts: $3.99/lb.
-1 tsp. balsamic vinegar
-Salt, ground pepper
-1 lemon wedge

-Preheat oven to 375 degrees. While oven is heating, chop brussels sprouts into halves, removing ends.
-Place chopped brussels sprouts into medium bowl and pour in 1 ½ Tbsp. olive oil (brussels sprouts should be coated but not soaked). Add in balsamic vinegar, salt to taste, and a generous amount of ground pepper.
-Place brussels sprouts on tin foil-lined baking sheet and put in oven. Set timer for 12 mins.
-While brussels sprouts cook, pour remaining 1 Tbsp. of olive oil and minced clove of garlic into a skillet and set on medium heat. Once the garlic starts cooking and smells fragrant, add in chopped spinach and cook until wilted (about 1 minute).
-Place cooked spinach into a small bowl and add in feta and walnuts. Stir to create the filling for the salmon.
-Cut a sliver down the middle of both salmon filets, leaving about 1 inch on either side of the filet. The sliver should be deep enough that you can fit in the filling but should not cut all the way through the fish.
-Divide the spinach, feta, and walnut filling and scoop into each fish. Place the two filets on a tin foil-lined baking sheet and cover with a few cranks of ground pepper.
-When the 12 minutes on the timer is up, take out the brussels sprouts and turn them over in the pan with a spatula. Place them back in the oven along with the salmon filets and set timer for another 10-12 minutes depending on thickness of the fish (to check for doneness, salmon should flake apart easily with a fork on the thickest part of the fish and be opaque).
-Serve with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice over both and a cold glass of chardonnay (it’s still 90 degrees in Dallas!)

The protein from the salmon, spinach, feta, and walnuts combined with the heartiness of the brussels sprouts always leaves me feeling full after this meal. I’m not a fan of reheated salmon so I typically don’t make this to eat leftover, but the brussels sprouts will still be delicious the next day if you want to add them to your lunch. 





Happy September, friends! I just got back from the sweetest San Diego weekend celebrating my bestie and bride-to-be (acai bowls, lattes, and artisan pizza taste better when you're in Cali and it's 75 and sunny, am I right?!) The trip was amazing, however going straight to work from a Monday night red eye led to me wanting to make the simplest recipe possible when I got back to my studio Tuesday night. In case I have yet to mention, I loveee flavor + spicy food. This recipe for Jalapeño Chicken Salad not only has a ton of flavor, it keeps me full by incorporating two protein sources and includes a rainbow of veggies!

-1 large red pepper: $.99
-1 large green pepper: $.89
-1 large orange pepper: $1.19
-1 jalapeño: $.10
-16 oz of plain (NOT VANILLA) greek yogurt --my favorite is organic Stonyfield plain greek yogurt: about $4
-2 lbs of Trader Joe's All Natural Thin Cut Chicken Breast (boneless, skinless, no antibiotics, no hormones): about $13
-2 1/2 tbs lime chili powder (add more for additional spice) 
-1 tbs cumin (add more for additional spice)
-1/2 cup of water

This comes out to about $20.17, so about $4 per serving. 

1. Put chicken, water, and 1/2 tbs of lime chili powder in crock pot on high for 4 hours (or low for 8 hours)
2. Chop red pepper, green pepper, orange pepper, and jalapeño into small pieces (remove jalapeño seeds for less heat)
3. When chicken is done cooking, shred into thin pieces
4. Combine shredded chicken, greek yogurt, chopped veggies, lime chili powder, and cumin in bowl and stir thoroughly

This zesty chicken salad can be enjoyed by itself or in a corn tortilla. I typically eat it on its own and add a side of Trader Joe's Quinoa and Black Bean Infused Tortilla chips (AMAZING, and only $2.99).

Not a fan of spicy food but want to give guilt-free chicken salad a shot? Try combining plain, shredded chicken with plain greek yogurt, sliced grapes, sliced celery, walnuts, and fresh black pepper!





Am I the only one wondering how it is already the end of August?! The only good news about this is six days until TCU football starts + six days until I head to San Diego for my best friend Michelle's bachelorette party. I am beyond excited for both! Since cooler weather is unfortunately just around the corner, I thought I would take the opportunity to make some of my favorite summer dishes before it's too late. I looove to have something cool and refreshing during these warmer months, and this easy-to-make lunch keeps me full and craving free. Check out the recipes for this end of summer salad and guilt-free dark chocolate quinoa.


-1 large bushel of red tip lettuce ($.91 at ShopRite)
-2 roma tomatoes: ($.29 each at Trader Joes, so $.58)
-1/2 of a 12 oz bag of organic broccoli slaw ($1.99 at Trader Joe's, so $1 for 1/2 the bag)
-1 16oz tub of hummus ($3.49 at Trader Joe's)
-1/4 of a 16oz bag of raw shelled pumpkin seeds ($6.49 at Trader Joe's for full bag, so $1.62 for 1/4 the bag)
-2 packages of Applegate sliced smoked turkey (organic): ($4.49 each at Trader Joe's, so $8.98), save an additional $.75 with coupon here
-Your favorite seasoning (I like the everyday seasoning from Trader Joe's)

-Wash and tear lettuce into small pieces
-Chop tomato
-Combine lettuce, chopped tomato, broccoli slaw, raw shelled pumpkin seeds into a bowl
-Add 2 slices of rolled turkey and 1 dollop of hummus
-Season the salad with favorite seasoning

This comes out to $16.58 for five days worth of ingredients, so $3.31 per salad. I love that this salad has 3 protein sources (turkey, pumpkin seeds, and hummus) and has four veggies (lettuce, tomato, broccoli, and carrots (in the broccoli slaw). In my opinion, this salad does not need dressing because the hummus adds moisture. However, if you find the salad too dry, I suggest a table spoon of olive oil or juice from half of a lemon.

In addition to the salad, I made a side of dark chocolate quinoa to satisfy that after lunch sweet craving! Check it out:


-1 cup of Trader Joe's tri-colored organic quinoa ($6 for whole bag, only 1/3 of bag needed for recipe, so $2)
-2 cups of unsweetened Silk Almond Milk ($3.29 for half gallon, $.82 for 2 cups)
-1 Tbs honey (under $1)
-1 Tsp vanilla extract (under $1)
-1 lb of strawberries ($2.99 at Trader Joe's), or your favorite fruit to enjoy with chocolate
-2 Tbs of Hershey's Special Dark Cocoa Powder (under $1)
*optional: dark chocolate chips for added sweetness

-Cook quinoa with almond milk (for directions on how to cook quinoa, click here, but substitute almond milk for water) 
-Combine cooked quinoa, vanilla extract, honey, and cocoa powder in bowl
-Slice strawberries and add to top (and dark chocolate chips if you want the added sweetness)
-Cool in refrigerator 

This comes out to about $7.31 for five servings, so $1.46 per serving. Quinoa is a staple in my diet. It is a complete protein, meaning it has all 9 essential amino acids, is gluten-free, has tons of vitamins, and easily takes on the flavor of anything it is combined with. This is the first sweet version of quinoa I have done, and I love that it is a "dessert" option that leaves me feeling full, includes a serving of fruit, and isn't loaded with calories (only 20 calories for the two scoops of cocoa powder!) 





I'm not sure about you, but I'm the kind of person who needs breakfast. I love breakfast food and typically go with something egg-based, but in the summer, the last thing I want is a piping hot meal to start the day. I only recently discovered how great protein powder can be when combined with the right ingredients, and I have come up with the most perfect breakfast protein shake! There are a several reasons why I love this shake:

1. It is coffee based (and who doesn't need a caffeine boost in the morning?!)
2. It satisfies my craving for a flavored, "fluffy" Starbucks drink 
3. It has 2 servings of greens
4. It has 31 grams of protein
5. It only has 220 calories

Check it out!

Appliances needed:

-1 cup of iced coffee (price varies, but about $2.50 for qty needed for 5 days)
-1 scoop of Vega Plant-Based Protein + Greens Vanilla Flavor ($28.80 for tub, so $5.76 for qty needed for 5 days)
-1/2 cup of unsweetened Silk Almond Milk ($3.29 for half gallon, so about $1 for qty needed for 5 days)
-1/2 ripe banana ($.87 for 3 bananas, which is qty needed for 5 days)
-1 1/2 Tbs of integral collagen ($25 for bag, $3.28 for qty needed for 5 days)

1. Combine all ingredients in blender on medium until smooth
2. Pour over ice and enjoy!

This comes out to around $13.41 for the total week, so $2.68 per day. 

For me, the banana in this shake is essential. The first few times I made it without, and the texture seemed slightly gritty. With the banana added, the texture became much creamier and smoother! 





What an amazing five days we had visiting Martha's Vineyard and Cape Cod! I love the occasional escape from the craziness of everyday life and the opportunity to relax, explore, and eat great seafood, especially when it is in a quaint, east coast town (I think I ate more lobster rolls than any human ever should). Now that I am back home, I decided to do a little lunch prep to get back on track and ready for the work week. Red Hot Chicken Quinoa and Veggies is one of my go-to meals because of the high protein content, easy incorporation of vegetables, ability to eat either hot or cold, and delicious, spicy kick! This recipe made 10 servings (lunch for 2 people every work day for 1 week), costs $20 ($2 per serving), and includes all fresh ingredients. I typically bring a side of in-season, whole fruit that I can enjoy with my lunch. This week, my fruit of choice was gala apples, $.79 each.

-2 lbs of Trader Joe's All Natural Thin Cut Chicken Breast (boneless, skinless, no antibiotics, no hormones): about $13
-1 container of Trader Joe's Healthy Chopped Veggie Mix (broccoli, carrots, green cabbage, red cabbage, jicama, green pepper, radish, celery): $3
-1 cup of Trader Joe's Tri-colored Organic Quinoa: $6 (only 1/3 of bag needed for recipe, so $2)
-8oz of Frank's Red Hot Original: $2.76
-2 1/2 cups of water

1. Place 2lbs of boneless, skinless, chicken breast in crock pot with 1/2 a cup of water and 3oz of Frank's Red Hot. Cook on high for 4 hours or on low for 8 hours.
2. Cook 1 cup of quinoa (click here for directions on how to cook quinoa)
3. Once quinoa is done cooking, fluff with a fork and cool in refrigerator for 20 minutes.
4. Once chicken breast is done cooking, shred with fork.
5. Combine cooked quinoa, shredded chicken, raw veggies, and 5oz of Frank's Red Hot in bowl (adjust amount of sauce based on your preference)
6. Keep in refrigerator and eat cold!

*If you want to enjoy this recipe hot, lightly sauté the veggies before combining and serve warm.
